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Smart.Business.ID IQ

Smart.Business.ID IQ is a managed service that utilizes a serverless architecture on AWS to capture, classify, extract, and enrich data from paper-based business documents. The service streamlines document processing, improves data accuracy, and provides valuable insights for organizations.


Smart.Business.ID IQ empowers businesses to unlock the full potential of their paper-based documents by leveraging the power of AWS's serverless architecture. With intelligent data capture, classification, extraction, and enrichment capabilities, Smart.Business.ID IQ transforms unstructured data into structured, actionable insights. The service enables organizations to make informed decisions, improve operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge in today's digital landscape

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What we offer ?

Smart.Business.ID IQ is a managed service that automates the processing of paper-based business documents, extracting and enriching data using AWS's serverless architecture.

For Who ?

The service is designed for organizations of all sizes across various industries that deal with a significant volume of paper-based documents and require efficient data management.

Smart.Business.ID IQ utilizes AWS services such as Amazon Textract, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon A2I, AWS Lambda, and Amazon S3 to capture, classify, extract, and enrich data from business documents. The service provides a user-friendly interface for document upload, review, and validation.

How do we Leverage AWS ?


Financial Benefits
  • Reduced labor costs associated with manual data entry

  • Increased efficiency leading to cost savings

  • Scalable and pay-as-you-go pricing model

  • Elimination of infrastructure and maintenance costs

  • Faster time-to-value and improved return on investment (ROI)

Operational Benefits
  • Automated document processing, reducing manual effort and errors

  • Improved data accuracy and consistency

  • Faster document turnaround time

  • Streamlined workflows and increased productivity

  • Enhanced compliance and audit readiness

Benefits of the Cloud Adoption Framework

By integrating Smart.Business.ID IQ with the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework, organizations can realize a wide range of benefits across business, people, governance, platform, security, and operations perspectives. This integration enables organizations to transform their document processing workflows, gain valuable insights, and drive digital transformation initiatives while leveraging the power and flexibility of AWS's serverless architecture.

Business Perspective
  • Alignment with business objectives: Smart.Business.ID IQ aligns with the organization's business goals by providing valuable insights from paper-based documents, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.

  • Improved operational efficiency: The service streamlines document processing, reduces manual effort, and accelerates workflows, resulting in increased operational efficiency and productivity.

  • Competitive advantage: By leveraging the power of AWS's serverless architecture and intelligent data processing capabilities, organizations can gain a competitive edge in their respective industries.

  • Cost optimization: Smart.Business.ID IQ's pay-as-you-go pricing model and serverless architecture eliminate upfront infrastructure costs and allow for cost optimization based on actual usage.

People Perspective
  • Enhanced employee productivity: The service automates repetitive tasks associated with document processing, allowing employees to focus on higher-value activities and strategic initiatives.

  • Skills development: Integrating Smart.Business.ID IQ with AWS Cloud Adoption Framework provides opportunities for employees to develop new skills in cloud computing, data analysis, and intelligent document processing.
    Improved collaboration: The centralized document management and data accessibility enabled by

  • Smart.Business.ID IQ foster collaboration among teams and departments.

Governance Perspective
  • Enhanced compliance: Smart.Business.ID IQ ensures compliance with data regulations and industry standards by providing secure and auditable data management practices.

  • Data governance: The service enables better data governance through structured and consistent data extraction, classification, and storage.

  • Risk management: By automating document processing and reducing manual errors, Smart.Business.ID IQ helps mitigate risks associated with data inaccuracies and inconsistencies.

Platform Perspective
  • Scalability and flexibility: Smart.Business.ID IQ leverages AWS's serverless architecture, providing seamless scalability to handle varying volumes of document processing without the need for manual infrastructure management.

  • Reliability and availability: The service ensures high availability and reliability by leveraging AWS's robust infrastructure and fault-tolerant design.

  • Integration capabilities: Smart.Business.ID IQ can easily integrate with other AWS services and third-party applications, enabling end-to-end document processing workflows.

Security Perspective
  • Data protection: Smart.Business.ID IQ integrates with AWS security best practices, providing encryption, access control, and secure data storage to protect sensitive business information.

  • Identity and access management: The service leverages AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to ensure secure access control and user authentication.

  • Compliance and certifications: By aligning with AWS's compliance programs and certifications, Smart.Business.ID IQ helps organizations meet industry-specific security and compliance requirements.

Operation Perspective
  • Simplified operations: Smart.Business.ID IQ, as a managed service, simplifies operations by abstracting away infrastructure management complexities and providing automated document processing workflows.

  • Monitoring and logging: The service integrates with Amazon CloudWatch for comprehensive monitoring, logging, and alerting, enabling proactive issue detection and resolution.

  • Continuous improvement: Smart.Business.ID IQ benefits from AWS's continuous innovation and updates, ensuring access to the latest features and performance enhancements.

Leveraging AWS Well-Architected Framework

By leveraging these AWS products and services, Smart.Business ID IQ can build a robust, secure, and cost-effective serverless architecture that aligns with the best practices of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. This ensures that the solution is optimized for operational excellence, security, reliability, performance efficiency, and cost optimization, delivering maximum value.

Operational Excellence Pillar

  • AWS Lambda: Serverless compute service for executing code without provisioning or managing servers, enabling efficient and scalable document processing.

  • Amazon CloudWatch: Monitoring and observability service for real-time monitoring, logging, and alarming of Smart.Business.ID IQ resources and performance metrics.

  • AWS CloudFormation: Infrastructure as code (IaC) service for automating the deployment and management of Smart.Business.ID IQ resources in a consistent and repeatable manner.

  • AWS Step Functions: Serverless workflow orchestration service for coordinating and automating the different stages of document processing, including capture, classification, extraction, validation, and enrichment.

  • AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM): Service for securely managing access to AWS resources and controlling permissions for Smart.Business.ID IQ components.

  • Amazon Cognito: User authentication and authorization service for securely managing user access to the Smart.Business.ID IQ application.

  • AWS Key Management Service (KMS): Managed service for creating and controlling encryption keys used to encrypt sensitive data processed by Smart.Business.ID IQ.

  • Amazon VPC: Virtual private cloud service for isolating Smart.Business.ID IQ resources and ensuring secure network communication.

Security Pillar

Reliability Pillar

  • Amazon S3: Highly durable and scalable object storage service for storing and retrieving document files processed by Smart.Business.ID IQ.

  • AWS Lambda: Serverless compute service designed for high availability and fault tolerance, ensuring reliable execution of document processing tasks.

  • Amazon DynamoDB: Serverless NoSQL database service for storing and retrieving metadata and processed data with high availability and durability.

  • Amazon SQS: Fully managed message queuing service for decoupling and ensuring reliable communication between Smart.Business.ID IQ components.

  • Amazon Textract: Fully managed service that uses machine learning to automatically extract text, handwriting, and data from scanned documents, enabling efficient document capture and extraction.

  • Amazon Comprehend: Natural language processing (NLP) service that uses machine learning to uncover insights and relationships in text, aiding in document classification and enrichment.

  • Amazon Elasticsearch Service: Fully managed service for deploying, operating, and scaling Elasticsearch clusters, enabling fast search and analytics on processed document data.

  • AWS Lambda: Serverless compute service that automatically scales based on incoming requests, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

  • Amazon Augmented AI (A2I): Human review service that brings human judgment into the document processing workflow to validate and improve the accuracy of machine learning predictions. A2I can be used to review and validate the extracted data, classifications, and enrichments performed by Smart.Business.ID IQ, ensuring high-quality results and building trust in the automated process.

Performance Efficiency Pillar

Cost Optimization

  • AWS Lambda: Pay-as-you-go pricing model, where you only pay for the compute time consumed during document processing, optimizing costs.

  • Amazon S3: Cost-effective storage option with pricing based on the amount of data stored, access requests, and data transfer.

  • Amazon DynamoDB: On-demand capacity mode for automatic scaling and pay-per-request pricing, optimizing costs based on usage.

  • AWS Cost Explorer: Cost management tool for monitoring, analyzing, and optimizing costs associated with Smart.Business.ID IQ resources.

  • AWS Budgets: Service for setting custom budgets and receiving alerts when forecasted or actual costs exceed defined thresholds.

  • AWS Lambda: Promotes sustainability by efficiently allocating compute resources and reducing energy consumption.

  • Amazon S3: Stores data in shared, multi-tenant hardware, optimizing resource utilization.

  • Amazon DynamoDB: Provides a serverless database that automatically scales capacity, minimizing over-provisioning and reducing energy waste.

  • AWS Customer Carbon Footprint Tool: Helps measure, track, and reduce the carbon emissions associated with using AWS services.

  • Implement efficient data storage practices, such as using Amazon S3 Intelligent-Tiering, which automatically moves data between access tiers based on usage patterns, optimizing storage costs and reducing the storage footprint.

  • Take advantage of AWS's commitment to renewable energy by running Smart.Import.License IQ on AWS regions that have a higher percentage of renewable energy mix.

Sustainability Pillar

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